Efficient inventory management is unthinkable without insightful reports that help businesses make informed decisions. HandiFox Online gathers a plethora of information about your inventory, sales, and purchasing processes that you can filter and sort through at will.

1. Device Activity
Purpose: This report logs HandiFox users’ activities on the mobile devices they are assigned to. You can see who processed what transaction, when it happened, and the value of that transaction.
Why it matters: This report comes in handy while monitoring some internal processes or tracking down transactions or errors to users.
2. Transactions by Serial/Lot numbers
Purpose: It helps to trace products’ way through the warehouse and beyond via their lots and serials. Here you can get all the data on any specific batch or serial number within a specified date range, a warehouse, and a selected transaction type.
Why it matters: The report is essential when it comes to a recall or any auditing processes, giving your small business transparency and reduced product recall/return response time.
3. Inventory Transactions by Item
Purpose: The report shows all inventory movements (all transactions that impacted items’ quantity on hand values) for a given timeframe, letting you narrow or broaden the selection by choosing a site or a specific item you would like to run the report for.
Why it matters: This is your go-to report to clear up any inconsistency in numbers or anything that raises questions.
4. Inventory Total Value
Purpose: This is a quick and simple yet essential report that calculates the value of all or selected items across multiple warehouses or just one selected warehouse based on its purchase cost.
Why it matters: It’s paramount to stay on top of how much of your budget is currently tied down in inventory.
5. Counting Sessions by Site
Purpose: This report displays all logged counting sessions by site, user, counting session status, and date.
Why it matters: It is instrumental to those overseeing inventory auditing and having to validate those counting sessions by approving the results of counting.
6. Manufacturing report
Purpose: It visualizes the materials used for completed manufacturing orders for a select period. You can filter the data by inventory site, output product, and date range, and export the data into a CSV or XLS file.
Why it matters: To get actionable insights into raw material consumption.
7. Sales reports
Purpose: This series of reports (sales by customer, product/service, user) provides insights into how your customers, products, and employees are performing in terms of the revenue they bring to your business.
Why it matters: It spotlights your best-sellers as well as underperformers, and personnel’s sales efficiency. It also brings to the fore which customers contribute to your revenue more than others.
8. Purchase reports
Purpose: It lets you see the total amount of purchases and what purchase transactions were carried out for the chosen vendor within the selected date range.
Why it matters: Purchase reports provide snapshots of your purchasing volumes and supplier relationships, enabling you to gauge the selling potential of products by different suppliers, and plan your restocking better.
9. Price Changes Logs
Purchase: This report aims to locate any changes to your pricing made while generating new transactions within a set period. You can see who made the change, when, and why the price changed.
Why it matters: This report comes in handy in case of any unsanctioned changes to the current pricing or discounts that sales reps offer beyond the price rules set within the app.
Using HandiFox Online is like tweaking the diopter on binoculars - you can adjust it to see as much detail as possible while staying focused on the big picture. Take a free 14-day trial for a closer look at automated inventory management.